Tuesday, November 9, 2010

10 Freaky Animals: More Living Proof that God has a Sense of Humor (Part 3)

Even more freaky animals for you to enjoy. You know you love to cringe at these creepy little things, so here's more for you to take a gander at!

Pink Fairy Armadillo
This freaky animal is found in central Argentina, and likes to live in dry areas such as grasslands and plains with thorny bushes and cacti.  The Pink Fairy Armadillo has the awesome ability to completely bur itself in a matter of seconds if something frightens it.  It is on the threatened species list because of the very gradual destruction of it’s habitat due to cultivated area encroachment. Read more . .

While on the endangered watch list, the Platypus is classified as “least concern”.  It is one of the only mammals to lay eggs instead of giving live birth.  One thing most people don’t know about this freaky animal, is that is excretes a particularly nasty type of venom.
“While both male and female Platypuses are born with ankle spurs, only the male has spurs which produce a cocktail of venom, composed largely of defensin-like proteins (DLPs), three of which are unique to the Platypus. The defensin proteins are produced by the immune system of the Platypus. Although powerful enough to kill smaller animals such as dogs, the venom is not lethal to humans, but is so excruciating that the victim may be incapacitated. Oedema rapidly develops around the wound and gradually spreads throughout the affected limb. Information obtained from case histories and anecdotal evidence indicates that the pain develops into a long-lasting hyperalgesia that persists for days or even months”. Read more . .

Rosy Lipped Batfish
Ever walk down the street and see an old lady with loads of makeup on in a transparent attempt to reclaim her youth?  Well, the animal kingdom has one of those too, and the freaky animal is called the Rosy Lipped Batfish.  They are not good swimmers, they use their fins to walk in a way on the ocean floor. Read more . .

Yeti Crab
This creepy freaky animal is relatively new to our knowledge.  It was first discovered in the South Pacific in 2005.  It’s official name is Kiwa Hirsuta.  Kiwa is the goddess of the shellfish in Polynesian mythology (or a male guardian of the see in the Maori mythology), and the word Hirsuta means “hairy” in Latin.  I’d say this crab was very descriptively, and accurately, named. Read more . .

Saiga Antelope
The Saiga Antelope is found in the vast stretches of land in beautiful Russia.  This freaky animal is critically endangered and is only found in captivity in the Moscow Zoo. Read more . .

Star-Nosed Mole
I hate the look of this freaky animal.  It gives me the absolute creeps.  Very little is known about it’s social behavior, but scientists do believe that it lives in colonies.  That creepy nose of his is very sensitive and is covered with teeny tiny little touch receptors that are called Eimer’s organs.  The Star-Nosed Mole is found in Canada and throughout the Northern United States. Read more . .

Turtle Frog
Not much is known about this freaky animal.  It is known to have a diet almost entirely made of termites.  So if your house is falling apart and you suspect those pesky little bugs, it might not be such a bad idea to release a Turtle Frog I the immediate area. Read more . .

The word Weta comes from a Maori word, basically meaning “God of Ugly Things”.  How astute those Maori were.  This is perhaps the nastiest of any freaky animal we have yet discussed.  It is definitely the most “heebeejeebee” inducing of them all.  These giant bugs have very powerful mandibles, and can deliver a nasty bite.  While the bite is certainly very powerful, it isn’t usually serious.  Tree wetas rarely bite, as they are quite docile, and will definitely choose flight rather than fight if given the opportunity to escape.  Possibly more dangerous than a full blown Weta bite is a scratch from a Weta.  The scratches often leave little irritants in the scratch and lead to serious infections. Read more . .

Mantis Shrimp
Over the centuries, the Mantis Shrimp is a freaky animal that has been called many things.  The ancient Assyrians called them “sea locusts”, Australia knows them as “prawn killers”, and nowadays modern divers call them “thumb splitters”, referring to the ease in which this animal can destroy small appendages.  They have very powerful claws they use for spearing, stunning, and dismembering their unfortunate prey.  Something crazy they are able to do, although rarely, is to break open and destroy an aquarium in which they are housed with but a single strike from their powerful claws. Yikes! Read more . .

Dumbo Octopus
This weird little animal likes to hover just over the ocean floor, and searches for pelagic copepods, worms, bivalves, and various crustaceans.  The way they move is by either shooting water through their funnel waving their Dumbo ears, or pulsing their arms.  Often times the freaky animal will move about by doing all 3 simultaneously.  The males and females are easy to tell apart gas they look and move very differently from on another.  The females have no breeding pattern, but rather lay eggs all year long. Read more . .

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